Hello, my name's Alex and I originally created this site as a means to share my experiences in the industry as well as learn a thing or two in researching. I've been working in the restaurant industry since I was 15, after putting in about a decade in the back of house working every station from dishwasher to chef, and with a little nudge from a pandemic I decided to finally take the icy plunge and start facing the people i've been cooking for all these years. Discovering my place behind the bar has made the transition so fulfilling, it's all the creativity of being a chef but with the fulfillment of meeting the guests you're serving. This can have its ups and downs and sometimes I miss my station in the back, but the biggest thing it taught me was that I love this industry, all of it.
On this site you will find recipes, methods, some crooked cocktail history, and some unsolicited opinions. I love hearing from people who are passionate about the craft, so if you want me to write about a particular topic, are looking to book services, or want to contribute to the page please feel free to reach out.
- Cheers, Alex.